Alarm word meaning and definition
Beside meaning and definition for word "alarm", on this page you can find other interesting information too, like synonyms or related words. On bottom of the page we have fun area, like tarot cards, numerology for these Five characters, how to write "alarm" with bar codes or hand signs and more.. Table of Contents:
• Meaning and definition |
• Letter statistic • Hand signs, morse code • Tarot cards, numerology • Other fun |
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Meaning and definition for "alarm" word
[noun] a clock that wakes sleeper at preset time
[noun] an automatic signal (usually a sound) warning of danger
[noun] fear resulting from the awareness of danger
[verb] warn or arouse to a sense of danger or call to a state of preparedness; "The empty house alarmed him"; "We alerted the new neighbors to the high rate of burglaries"
[verb] fill with apprehension or alarm; cause to be unpleasantly surprised; "I was horrified at the thought of being late for my interview"; "The news of the executions horrified us"
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\A*larm"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Alarmed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Alarming}.] [Alarm, n. Cf. F. alarmer.] 1. To call to arms for defense; to give notice to (any one) of approaching danger; to rouse to vigilance and action; to put on the alert. 2. To keep in excitement; to disturb. 3. To surprise with apprehension of danger; to fill with anxiety in regard to threatening evil; to excite with sudden fear. Alarmed by rumors of military preparation. --Macaulay.
Synonyms for alarm
alarm clock, alarm system, alarum, alert, alert, appal, appall, consternation, dismay, dismay, horrify, warning device, warning signal
See also: affright | alarm bell | automobile horn | burglar alarm | burglar alarm | car horn | clock | device | fear | fearfulness | fire alarm | fire alarm | foghorn | fogsignal | fright | fright | frighten | hooter | horn | horn | motor horn | red flag | scare | shock | sign | signal | signaling | siren | siren | smoke alarm | tocsin | wake | warn |
Related terms: admonition, awe, balefire, beacon, cowardice, example, excitement, final warning, fog signal, high sign, horrification, moose call, raise apprehensions, rallying cry, red light, scare, signal rocket, signal tower, stampede, strain, unstring, verbum sapienti
The fun area, different aproach to word »alarm«
Let's analyse "alarm" as pure text. This string has Five letters in Two syllables and Two vowels. 40% of vowels is 1.4% more then average English word. Written in backwards: MRALA. Average typing speed for these characters is 1385 milliseconds. [info]
Numerology Hearts desire number calculated from vowels:
alarm: 1 + 1 = 2, reduced: 2 . and the final result is Two. |
Tarot cards
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